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Loop through post for a "family tree"?

  • Dear Community,

    I’ve already created a ticket for this request but maybe I should have asked the community firts.

    What I’d like to do is – do a loop through all posts for specific acf values and list them on one page. Background story is a family tree. Each members gets a post, all values are added to these posts. It would now be fantastic to have a function that shows on one page:
    – the parents of an entry and maybe 2-3 generation before that
    – the kids of an entry and maybe also 2-3 generation before that
    And the list should show:
    – full names
    – birthday
    – etc.

    It would be fantastic if someone finds the time and the mood to maybe provide me with some explanation or an example code snippet.

  • Did you manage to get this solved? We are after a similar thing

  • You need to have bidirectional relationship fields (there are plugins that will do this) or use a reverse relationship query.

    The code involve would be quite complex. You would need to create some type of a recursive function to go both up and down the relationships and build arrays with nested arrays holding all of the data and/or display that data. You’d probably also need to use an output buffer, or potentially several output buffers, to build the content.

    I can’t give you any example code because it would take many hours to come up with something and I don’t know of any examples of doing something like this.

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