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I have a Repeater Field called: package_name
In it i have a Select Sub Field called:package_group
In Select Sub Field i have the option:caci_facials : Caci Facials.
I am trying to get all package_name with Select Sub Field “Caci Facials” (or is it ‘Caci Facials’ or caci_facial’ or ‘caci facials’) to be listed on a different page.
Normally when i have to show Advanced Custom Fields on other pages i have to add ‘option’ into $rows = get_field(‘my_field’, ‘option’); for it to work.
ALSO, its all wrapped up in a shortcode.
I have tried the code on another page in this forum, changing this:
while(have_rows('field_name')): the_row();
if(get_sub_field('sub_field') == 'functional assay'):
// PackageList shortcode
function treatmentlistf($atts, $content = null) { ?>
if(have_rows('package_name', 'option')):
while(have_rows('package_name', 'option')): the_row();
if(get_sub_field('package_group') == 'caci_facials'): ?>
<h2> Test hello</h2>
<?php endif;
<?php }
add_shortcode('treatmentlist', 'treatmentlistf');
Nothing happens – rest of page shows but not shortcode content.
What am i doing wrong
Right, couldn’t come up with a solution to this so gave up and added them manually instead.
Hi @tomwgf
You need to return the shortcode instead of printing it like that. It should be something like this:
// PackageList shortcode
function treatmentlistf($atts, $content = null) { ?>
if(have_rows('package_name', 'option')):
while(have_rows('package_name', 'option')): the_row();
if(get_sub_field('package_group') == 'caci_facials'): ?>
return '<h2> Test hello</h2>'
<?php endif;
<?php }
add_shortcode('treatmentlist', 'treatmentlistf');
This page should give you more idea about it: https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_shortcode.
Hope this helps.
hi james
thanks for replying.
i tried your code – but it didn’t work.
i also tried changing return ‘<h2> Test hello</h2>’ to <?php return ‘<h2> Test hello</h2>’; ?>
is ‘option’ right, is == ‘caci_facials’ right??
Hi @tomwgf
Sorry about that. I forgot to remove the php tag. It should be working with this one:
// PackageList shortcode
function treatmentlistf($atts, $content = null) {
$returned = "";
if(have_rows('package_name', 'option')):
while(have_rows('package_name', 'option')): the_row();
if(get_sub_field('package_group') == 'caci_facials'):
$returned .= "<h2>Test Hello</h2>";
return $returned;
add_shortcode('treatmentlist', 'treatmentlistf');
I hope this helps.
hi james
thanks, but still can’t get it to work. do you think the 2 , ‘option’s are helping?? i’ve tried without – no joy
Hi @tomwgf
That’s weird. Could you please try to remove the $content = null so it looks like this?
// PackageList shortcode
function treatmentlistf($atts) {
$returned = "";
if(have_rows('package_name', 'option')):
while(have_rows('package_name', 'option')): the_row();
if(get_sub_field('package_group') == 'caci_facials'):
$returned .= "<h2>Test Hello</h2>";
return $returned;
add_shortcode('treatmentlist', 'treatmentlistf');
The “option”s are used if you put the field group on an options page. If you put it on a post/page, I believe you don’t need it. You can also try to set a value for the $returned variable so it looks like this:
$returned = "the value";
If it the shortcode only returns “the value”, it means there is something wrong with the field.
I hope this makes sense.
Saw this post and it helped me with my shortcode for a repeater field, so I thought I’d post the code I used:
// Box Navigation shortcode
function boxnavf($atts) {
echo '<div class="box-navigation" > ';
if( get_field('box-navigation') ):
echo ' <ul class="boxes">';
while( has_sub_field('box-navigation') ):
echo '<li class="item">';
echo '<a href='.get_sub_field("box-link").'>' .get_sub_field("box-page-name"). '</a>';
echo '</li> ';
echo '</ul/>';
echo '</div>';
$output = ob_get_clean();
return $output;
add_shortcode('boxnav', 'boxnavf');
Hi James
sorry for not replying before – very rude when you were helping
cant remember what happened
i think i did it all manually in the end
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