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Logical condition between two fields + True / False

  • Hi everyone, I’m trying to implement a feature by combining the logical condition with the True / False field

    Basically, I have three fields: Field A, Field B and Field C.

    Field A and B are numeric fields while Field C is a True / False field

    I would like when Field B has a value equal to or greater than Field A (backend), activate Field C and then show me the content (frontend)

    Maybe I could solve Camp C with a logical condition combined with the other two (A – B) but I am on the high seas at the moment, I hope someone can help me.

  • I don’t understand what the true/false field is for.

    To show something if field b >= field a

    $value_a = get_field('field_a');
    $value_b = get_field('field_b');
    if ($value_b >= $value_a) {
      // do something
  • Great John! It was just what I was looking for but only that my dynamic was much more confused.

    I take this opportunity for a further question of this functionality.

    Using the same condition but also adding Field C as the third variable

    I’m trying this:

    	$value_a = get_field('warning_limit');
    	$value_b = get_field('closing_limit');
    	$value_c = get_field('number_members');
    	if ($value_c >= $value_a) {
    	echo("Limited tickets");
    	elseif ($value_c == $value_b) {
    	echo("Tickets sold out");
    	} else {
    	echo("Tickets available");

    Except that the second part is not working at the moment, I certainly did something wrong

    if ($value_c >= $value_a && $value_b < $value_a) {
      echo("Limited tickets");
    } elseif ($value_b >= $value_a) {
      echo("Tickets sold out");
    } else {
      echo("Tickets available");
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