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Logic between number and relationship fields

  • Hello All,

    I did some googling and I did not find any hands-on solution and I am quite new to ACF (even though the product seems awesome for now) so I’d like to submit you a question.

    In one of my custom post types, I do have an ACF number field and an ACF Relationship Field. I would like the number selected in the number field to be the max number of posts selected into the relationships fields.

    The thing is, I do not really know if that’s possible (not possible using the built-in conditional logic). I do think I should be able to dynamically change the data-max number on the relationship fields whenever the number field is updated using javascript ?

    Any thoughts on how to achieve that ?

    Thanks in advance,

  • I was able to do it in a static way using some code from another thread here

    My current code looks like this

      function load_proper_choices_number ( $field ) {
        global $post;
        if (!$post ||
        		!isset($post->ID) ||
        		( get_post_type($post->ID) != 'featured-content' ) ) {
        				return $field;
        $number_value = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'featured_posts_number');
        $field['max'] = $number_value;
        return $field;
      add_action( 'acf/load_field/name=featured_posts', 'load_proper_choices_number');

    Works properly with a refresh every time I change the number of posts using the Number field, and now I will try to achieve it using some javascript. I do assume updating the data-max attributes of the relationship field should do the job.

    Will let you know.

  • Hum, I did try to change the value of the data-max attribute of the field on the fly, but it does not modify the max property in the instance of the ACF field itself. My javascript code looks as follows:

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
      if (typeof acf === 'undefined') { return; }
      var featuredContentExtension = acf.ajax.extend({
        events: {
          'change [data-key="field_5798cf2592b92"]': '_state_change'
        _state_change: function(e) {
          var select_field = $('#acf-field_5798ced492b91');
          var number_field = $('#acf-field_5798cf2592b92');
          var current_post_number = select_field.attr('data-max');
          var selected_post_number = number_field.val();
          select_field.attr('data-max', "[\"" + selected_post_number + "\"]");

    I can see that the data-max attribute is properly updated, but the validation is still triggered based on the previous number selected when trying to select additional posts.

    While looking at the implementation in assets/js/acf-input.js, I noticed the following code:

    add_item: function( e ){
      // max posts
      if( this.o.max > 0 ) {
        if( this.$values.find('.acf-rel-item').length >= this.o.max ) {
           alert( acf._e('relationship', 'max').replace('{max}', this.o.max) );
      // rest of the method...

    So, is there an easy way either to override or to hook into the add_item method, or to modify the value of this.o.max ?

    Thanks in advance,

  • Found a solution, reworked my code as the following:

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
      if (typeof acf === 'undefined') { return; }
      var featuredContentExtension = acf.ajax.extend({
        events: {
          'change [data-key="field_5798cf2592b92"]': '_state_change'
        _state_change: function(e) {
          var select_field = $('#acf-field_5798ced492b91');
          var number_field = $('#acf-field_5798cf2592b92');
          var element = $('.acf-relationship');
          var field_acf_data = acf.get_data( element );
          var new_post_number = number_field.val();
          select_field.attr('data-max', "[\"" + new_post_number + "\"]");
          field_acf_data.max = new_post_number;

    The key here was to retrieve the ACF data from the element using the acf.get_data method, passing the relationship element as parameter 😉

    Thanks for your attention !

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