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location rules on profile page doesn't work

  • Hi there, I have created a Field Group with location rule:
    “User Form” is equal “Add / Edit” and
    “User Role” is equal “Editor”

    location rule

    With this Field-Group I have created for the “Editor role” on the profile page new ACF-Fields.
    So far, so good…

    The problem here is that when I change the role of the Profile page, the ACF-Fields does not change.

    Can anyone help me?

  • Hello!?

    I try to better explain the problem :
    The problem is not that the ACF-Fieldgroup will not load correctly on page load . The problem is that when I change the user role on the profile page , the ACF-fields does not change with via Ajax. And this is especially a problem when the Fieldgroup have Required Fields…

    Thanks Davelee

  • Hi @davelee

    I think the reason this happens is because when you change the user role on the profile page, before saving, the users role hasn’t actually changed.

    I understand your issue and I can see how it’d be troublesome in combination with required fields. I think it’s just about it being a scenario not previously anticipated and thus not taken into account for in the code.

    I’ll talk to Elliot about this and we’ll see how to best approach it.

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