Advanced Custom Fields PRO 5.1.5
I have this installed on several sites and it only appears to be an issue on one.
When settings the location to Page it only shows three of the thirty seven pages and one that says “(no title)()” The same happens with the parent page option.
I can’t find any pages without titles. Some pages are set to draft and one is in the trash.
I’ve managed to solve this issue.
It appears to be some kind of conflict with Post Types Order. Disabling PTO fixed the issue.
See for reference.
I don’t know which program is the reason for it but I’m using ACF Version 5.1.6 and PTO 1.7.4
I got the same issue;
used following workaround:
temporarily disabling PostTypesOrder, selecting the page in acf, saving and reactivating PTO;
if you take a look at the custom field again the selected page makes no sense, still works though;
after reading some feedback in the PTO-forum I used the following fix which is quite acceptable for the moment:
Go to Settings->Post Types Order and uncheck the “Administrator Sortierung”, guess it’s named something like “administrator sorting” in english backends;
Yes this works.. It’s Admin Sort in English versions.
This issue is still relevant (on PTO’s side). Thank you for posting the fix.