Hey Elliot,
Thanks for the most useful WP plugin. I’ve been using it for a couple of years already. There’s no alternative to ACF. I really appreciate your great job that helps me deliver quality websites to our clients.
I’m happy you’ve introduced the local JSON database. It allows us to easily attach and detach functional content blocks to the websites including the related custom fields.
One issue though: as you specified in the FAQ when using the JSON local database we are not able to see the fields in the field group edit screen. This feature would be so awesome. Do you intend to make it to the plugin too?
Once again, thanks a lot and keep up the great job.
I second that this is the most useful WP plugin I’ve ever seen. It fits my needs perfectly for the most part, but I haven’t even figured out half of what I can accomplish with it yet. The parts I have used are great though. 🙂
Thanks for creating it. 😀
hi @ukstudio,
i had the same issue and while waiting for a real update by Elliot, i made a plugin to synchronize ACF Fields groups, you might want to give it a try !
Agreed on all points, @ukstudio. ACF is a stunningly valuable tool and local JSON is far and away the best new feature of 5. Still, while I’ve gotten comfortable editing fields and fieldgroups in plain JSON, it’d be great to at least be able to pop in to the GUI editor to make quick changes. Especially since things like slugs and field keys (or other WP/ACF auto-generated values) are not exacty easy to edit/add/maintain by hand!
#minorgripe #everyissueihavewithacfisminor