I’m developing a theme and a plugin by using ACF Pro an the same time.
When I add a field group the local .json file is created in my theme folder in the acf-json folder.
I then copy the local .json file to my plugin folder in the acf-json folder.
When I load the admin interface it seems that ACF gives priority to the local .json file in the theme instead of the one of the plugin.
It’s there a way (code) that I can give the acf-json files in the plugin priority to the (same) files in the theme folder?
Thanks for the quick reply
Hi @filipvanreeth
Thanks for the post.
It is possible to change the load point from which acf will look up the json files.
To create a new load point (folder) for ACF to look in, please add the following code to your theme or plugin:
add_filter('acf/settings/load_json', 'my_acf_json_load_point');
function my_acf_json_load_point( $paths ) {
// remove original path (optional)
// append path
$paths[] = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/my-custom-folder';
// return
return $paths;