I have two CPT (Podcast and Programs) conected with a Relationship field (‘podcast-programa’). Each program has a time picker field with the starting time of the show (‘hora de inicio’). What I need is that when creating a new Podcast and selecting its related Program, the field of the starting time of the podcast (‘podcast_hora_inicio’, also a time picker field) shows as default value the starting time of the related program.
This is what I tried, but it’s not working:
add_action('acf/load_field/name=podcast_hora_inicio', 'hora_inicio_podcast');
function hora_inicio_podcast($field){
$programas = get_field('podcast_programa');
if( $programas ):
foreach( $programas as $programa ):
$horapInicio = get_post_meta($programa->ID, 'hora_de_inicio', true);
$field['default_value'] = $horapInicio;
return $field;
Thanks in advance!
This code worked for me:
function hora_inicio_podcast( $field ) {
$programas = get_field('podcast_programa');
if( $programas ):
foreach( $programas as $programa ):
$horapInicio = get_post_meta($programa->ID, 'hora_de_inicio', true);
$fecha = date("s:i:H", $horapInicio);
$field['default_value'] = $fecha;
return $field;
return $field;*/
add_filter('acf/load_field/name=podcast_hora_inicio', 'hora_inicio_podcast');