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Load ACF Gallery from XMLRPC

  • Hi,

    i need to load xml data into custom post, i’ve added some acf filed (number, text and gallery).
    For create a new post i’use wp_insert_post and with add_post_meta set the acf fields value (for text and number), how can i do for gallery fields?
    I can upload the images too and generate all image sizes but how can assign one or more image to my custom post?


  • Hi @mg_strategia

    Easy. All you need to do is swap the add_post_meta function for the ACF update_field function, you can read more about this function here:
    Please note that the parameters are different.

    To save a gallery field value, just save an array containing all the image ID’s
    To get the save function to work correctly, you will need to use the field_key instead of the field_name. This is explained on the doc page too.


  • Hi, i’ve use update_field function but the data are not saved correctly, i’ve load my image with wp.uploadFile RPC Query and get the ID METADATA by $response[‘id’] with wp_get_attachment_metadata function; now i’ve create the array containing id, title, caption, url, sizes and so on… after that i’ve this code:

    $value = get_field("field_5234c710a5b38", $post_id);
    $value[] = $arrayPhoto;
    update_field( "field_5234c710a5b38", $arrayPhoto, $post_id );

    After that the gallery are empty, into db i see the field into wp_postmeta are different as a manual load, i’ve a metakey gallery (field_5234c710a5b38) with the serialized arrayPhoto (a:13:{i:0;a:9:{s:2:”id”;i:2272;s:3:”alt”;s:0:””;s:5:”title”;s:20:”import_1513072……), into other field generated by wordpress there are a serialized object with the ID of two metakey (_wp_attached_file and _wp_attachment_metadata) with the array of data (a:1:{i:0;s:4:”2182″;}).

    How can i fix it?


  • Hi @mg_strategia

    As previously mentioned, you only need to save the image ID’s, not any other data

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