is it possible to display the live edit on my own custom tab instead of showing within the side panel that appears ?
Also is it possible to only allow the plugin to load if the user is admin..etc
Hi @renshaw
I’m not sure about your first question. Could you please explain it in more detail and provide some screenshots?
Regarding the second question, you can hide the plugin menu by following this guide: http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/how-to-hide-acf-menu-from-clients/.
I hope this helps.
the Live Edit Plugin allows you to set up ACF fields you want to edit front end by opening a panel to the left side of the site.
However id much prefer it if i can see where i want it to show, for example I have a tabbed content box (for example here https://www.propakura.com/file/captain-rex/) Id much rather have it so i have a tab thats only visible to admins (which i can achieve) but show the fields Live Edit creates in the panel that opens.
Is this possible?
Hi @renshaw
Thanks for the explanation.
Live Edit Plugin is an old plugin that hasn’t been maintained for a long time. For your case I’d suggest you use acf_form() instead. You can check if the current user is an admin and then show the form. This page should give you more idea about it: http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/create-a-front-end-form/.
I hope this helps.