We have created a bit of custom code to display a list of files,
That are in a ‘folder’ -> via another plugin, this works on folder ‘ID’.
And is displayed on the pages of our custom post type ‘Locations’.
We attached multiple custom fields and values to this custom post type posts with ACV.
So it would be logical to also link a specific folder to each post from the ‘Locations’. At the moment we can create the list of files with the ‘ID’ manually added to the post as a simple ‘Number’ field.
This folder ‘ID’ in another table, but we could query them, and show the names.
Is there a way to get this in a dropdown, within the ACV options?
So the client can see the ‘folder’ names, links that to a post. And in the background that ‘ID’ will be linked to the post and on the page it will show the right list of files.
I hope i’m at the right forum for this.
Kind regards,
Hi @megabite
I’m not really sure how folder plugin works, but you should be able to populate the select fields choices dynamically. This page should give you more idea about it: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/dynamically-populate-a-select-fields-choices/.
I hope this helps 🙂