Sorry for creating a new topic.
I had another marked as solved but it wasn`t solved 100% and now I have another question.
This is my other thread
For an Eventsite I`d like to display all artists ever played in that club. Those artists are in a repeater (row = artists / subfield = artistname)
The problem with the alphabetical order you can see at the other topic.
There I need help with the absolute alphabetical order without dependence of posts.
The new question:
Is there a way to disable dublicates?
If a Band has played more than once it should only appear once in this list.
Don’t know if you’ve found a solution for this. If you’re going to try to eliminate duplicated then you’ll need to loop through your list before or after you sort it and take them out. As a simple example:
$already_shown = array();
foreach ($array as $value) {
// i'm using isset() because it's faster than in_array()
if (!isset($already_shown[$value'])) {
$already_shown[$value] = $value;
// code to show your value here
} // end if not already shown
} // end foreach