probably it‘s a really dumb question, but I would like to use this field:
But where can I find them? So in the german version (Pro) I tried almost everything in the dropdown … the normal URL in the basic section and all the fields in the relational section. But nothing looks like this link picker.
It‘s either just a line with globus for an address or f.e. dropdowns for linking to other pages/posts. But I would like to have this link picker which is native by WordPress and which is seen on the screenshot.
anybody can help me?
cheers and thx
This will be available in version 5.6.0. It appears that the documentation for this is being added before the feature is actually released.
Ah! so the question wasn‘t as stupid as I thought 😀
I need this too… when is release happening? I downloaded the add on but this field type isn’t showing 🙁
Please let me know when I should expect this capability
This will be added in version 5.6 which is currently in Beta