I have a field on specific post pages which allows the user to create a new link to forward the user to a completely new URL (this is so it still appears within the filtering of Post Content and has a name, excerpt and thumbnail – but directs the user offsite)
So I found a function which allows that, but although it’s a Link
and an Array
it won’t pass through the target=”_blank” when clicked.
I feel it’s because I need to update the function to look for if the “Open in New Window” is ticked.
This is inside functions.php
function prefix_custom_link_option( $url, $post ) {
// Create an array of post types to skip.
$skip_post_types = array(
// page_link gives the ID rather than the $post object.
if ( 'integer' === gettype( $post ) ) {
$post_id = $post;
} else {
$post_id = $post->ID;
// Check if the current post type should be skipped.
if ( in_array( get_post_type( $post_id ), $skip_post_types, true ) ) {
return $url;
// Get the custom_link if one exists.
$custom_link = get_field( 'new_page_link', $post_id );
if ( $custom_link ) {
$url = $custom_link['url'];
$url_target = $custom_link['target'] ? $custom_link['target'] : '_blank';
return $url;
* Add filters for post_link, page_link, and post_type_link to update Custom Link
foreach ( [ 'post', 'page', 'post_type' ] as $post_type ) {
add_filter( $post_type . '_link', 'prefix_custom_link_option', 10, 2 );
Any help would be greatly appreciated.