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Link extra values to select field

  • Hi, Is there a way to get extra information in a selection field?

    In my situation I have a custom post type named [product]. The product is connected to a [location].

    I want to fill in the [product] information and in another field I want to fill in the [location] information.

    When I want to show the product info on the single.php I also want to show information about the selected/connected [location], like a telephone number and a townname.

    Though I want to change the location at any time, multiple products could have the same location connected.

    Is there a way to add extra custom values to a selection field? Or is there another way to accomplish this?

  • If you’re still looking for a way to do this. You can you a Post Object or a Relationship field, depending on if you want to associated a product with one location or several. Then in the single.php file you use this field to get the data from the other post type.

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