How can I limit the size of these picture in this repeater code? I want to limit the height of the image. Most code examples I can find are modifying the url of the image html code, but in this repeater code in the page there is no html.
I tried adding to the div style max_height:150 and it does limit the height of the div, but it crops the picture. I’d like the picture resized to fit.
[repeater staff_listing]
<div class="alignright">[if field=picture][field image=picture][/if]</div>
<b>[field name]</b>
[field title]
[if field=email]<a href="mailto:[field email]">[field email]</a>[/if]
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<hr />
You need to do this with CSS, how you would do so given what you’ve shared I can’t say
.selector img {
height: 100%;
width: auto;
That would limit the image to the height of its container, alternately you could limit the image itself
.selector img {
max-height: 150px;
width: auto;
Ya, but how do you apply a css to code like that when its not html and more program code
Like I said, I don’t know. Something is producing html code for the site, whatever that code you are creating is for. I would start by looking there and the documentation for whatever you’re using, what the code you posted is for.
I see what you mean now. That is not part of ACF. I see now this is allowed due annother plugin
It enables you to put acf content in a page or post
I’ll look further there, thanks