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Lightbox Slider with Unique Classes

  • I purchased the plugin and it’s been great so far, however I’m having a bit of trouble implementing one thing.

    I build a site that has a slider that when you click on an image opens up another slider in a lightbox. The lightbox plugin I used is Here’s a bit of the HTML I have:

    <section data-featherlight-gallery data-feather-filter=”a”>
      <a class=”apt-gallery-k” href=”<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/imgs/lightbox_tipo_k1.png”>
        <img class=”module-img-size” src=”<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/imgs/tipo_k1_on.png” alt=”2 Alcobas”>
      <a class=”apt-gallery-k hidden” href=”<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/imgs/lightbox_tipo_k2.png”>
        <img class=”module-img-size” src=”<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/imgs/tipo_k2_on.png” alt=”2 Alcobas”>

    and I activate it with:

          jQuery(document).ready(function() {
                openSpeed: 300,
                previousIcon: ' ',
                nextIcon: ' ',
                variant: 'custom-lightbox-css',

    Now every lightbox gallery that opens has a unique class in a seperate jQuery code. Example (notice .apt-gallery-l):

    <section data-featherlight-gallery data-feather-filter="a">
      <a class="apt-gallery-l" href="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/imgs/lightbox_tipo_l1.png">
        <img class="module-img-size" src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/imgs/tipo_l1_on.png" alt="2 Alcobas">
      <a class="apt-gallery-l hidden" href="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/imgs/lightbox_tipo_l2.png">
        <img class="module-img-size" src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/imgs/tipo_l2_on.png" alt="2 Alcobas">
          jQuery(document).ready(function() {
                openSpeed: 300,
                previousIcon: ' ',
                nextIcon: ' ',
                variant: 'custom-lightbox-css',

    So now that I need to make this CMS friendly so that it can be managed with WP, I have no idea how to best implement this using ACF.

    This is because each lightbox image link has a unique class (a.apt-gallery-l, a.apt-gallery-k, etc…) so that it can be activated with jQuery. If I use the same class in all, then the lightbox slider shows all the images, not just the ones within it’s own HTML section code block. I can’t anticipate how many lightbox sliders someone will use and hard code it in every time, and I admit it’s not very dynamic.

    I’ll gladly accept any feedback info/help. Much appreciate it. Thanks.

    You can check out what I made at

  • I’ve decided to do something like this using a repeater field… not the prettiest thing but it will probably work the way I need it too.

    <?php if ( have_rows('apartamento_1_alcoba') ): ?>
    <div id="img-module-slider-1" class="vivienda-slider">
      <?php while( have_rows('apartamento_1_alcoba') ) : the_row();
        $icono_1_alcoba = get_sub_field('icono');
        $gallery = get_sub_field('lightbox');
        $id_1_alcoba = get_sub_field('plano_id');
      <section data-featherlight-gallery data-feather-filter="a">
        <?php if ( $gallery ): ?>
          <?php foreach ( $gallery as $image ): ?>
            <a class="apt-gallery-<?php echo $id_1_alcoba ?>" href="#" data-featherlight="image">
              <img class="module-img-size" src="<?php echo $icono_1_alcoba['url'] ?>" alt="<?php echo $icono_1_alcoba['alt'] ?>">
            <a class="apt-gallery-<?php echo $id_1_alcoba ?>" href="<?php echo $image['url'] ?>" alt="<?php echo $image['alt']?>"></a>
          <?php endforeach; ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
      <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    However, I’d like to be able to get just the first image of the gallery in the for each, how can I do that?

  • Another question, how do I omit the first image in the gallery from the loop?

    <?php foreach ( $gallery as $image ): ?>
      <a class="apt-gallery-<?php echo $id_1_alcoba ?>" href="<?php echo $image['url'] ?>" alt="<?php echo $image['alt']?>"></a>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
  • I got it, my code is now:

    <?php if ( have_rows('apartamento_1_alcoba') ): ?>
    <div id="img-module-slider-1" class="vivienda-slider">
      <?php while( have_rows('apartamento_1_alcoba') ) : the_row();
        $icono_1_alcoba = get_sub_field('icono');
        $gallery = get_sub_field('lightbox');
        $id_1_alcoba = get_sub_field('plano_id');
      <section data-featherlight-gallery data-feather-filter="a">
        <a class="apt-gallery-<?php echo $id_1_alcoba ?>" href="<?php echo $gallery[0]['url'] ?>">
          <img class="module-img-size" src="<?php echo $icono_1_alcoba['url'] ?>" alt="<?php echo $icono_1_alcoba['alt'] ?>">
        <?php if ( $gallery ): ?>
          <?php unset($gallery[0]); ?>
          <?php foreach ( $gallery as $image ): ?>
            <a class="apt-gallery-<?php echo $id_1_alcoba ?>" href="<?php echo $image['url'] ?>" alt="<?php echo $image['alt']?>"></a>
          <?php endforeach; ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
      <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
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