Hi there, i have custom acf_form field displayed in frontend form. It’s post_object field with select2. I want user to select post, and append it to the page using custom js (already working).
Problem is, i want select2 to EXCLUDE already appended posts. So i found acf.add_filter(‘prepare_for_ajax’) and wrote something like this:
function(args) {
//here custom loop is getting IDs of posts already in the page as "exclude" var, it's either empty array, or array with IDs, no problem with this variable
args.post__not_in = exclude.join(); //i've tried joining so it will be exploded in php later, no use...
return args;
This is triggered each time i’m clicking on select2 field, so everything is ok, args.post__not_in is set like i want it to.
And because i saw in console log it’s calling acf/fields/post_object/query i hooked into there in functions.php:
function relationship_options_filter($args, $field, $post_id) {
$args['post_status'] = array('publish'); // WORKS FINE, displays only published posts, so the hook is right
//i thought $args['post__not_in'] will be set here through JS, but nothing is happening, plus i can't display $args in any way, die, print_r, even my custom function to catch variables and save them for displaying as notifications later in dashboard is not displaying ANYTHING. so i cant debug it (using 5.3 ACF)
return $args;
add_filter('acf/fields/post_object/query/key=field_592c54e17fea9', 'relationship_options_filter', 10, 3);
Any idea how to pass post__not_in to acf/fields/post_object/query/?