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JS Api broken in 5.7.13

  • Hi there, I am relying on the acf.addAction('submit') hook for my frontend forms. Since the latest upgrade it doesn’t work anymore, a click on the submit button doesn’t do anything anymore. It seems like something in here is causing the error (acf-input.js):

    *  onSubmit
    *  Callback when the form is submit.
    *  @date	4/9/18
    *  @since	5.7.5
    *  @param	object e The event object.
    *  @param	jQuery $el The input element.
    *  @return	void
    onSubmit: function( e, $el ){
    	// Allow form to submit if...
    		// Validation has been disabled.
    		// Or this event is to be ignored.		
    		|| this.get('ignore')
    		// Or this event has already been prevented.
    		|| e.isDefaultPrevented()
    	) {
    		// Return early and call reset function.
    		return this.allowSubmit();
    	// Validate form.
    	var valid = acf.validateForm({
    		form: $el,
    		event: this.get('originalEvent')
    	// If not valid, stop event to prevent form submit.
    	if( !valid ) {
  • I think you have prevent default somewhere

  • @fdrv you where totally right! This was my old code:

     * Setup the ajax submit
    setupAjaxSubmit() {
      $('.acf-form').on('submit', e => {
        if( $(e.currentTarget).hasClass('is-ajax-submit') ) {
          // because of this e.preventDefault the acf 'submit' action 
          // is not being triggered anymore starting with ACF 5.7.13
      acf.addAction('submit', ( $form ) => {
        if( !$form.hasClass('is-ajax-submit') ) {
          return true;
        // my custom code for handling AJAX posting:

    …I changed it to this, now it’s working fine again (and also it’s much cleaner ;)):

     * Setup the ajax submit
    setupAjaxSubmit() {
      acf.addAction('submit', ( $form ) => {
        if( !$form.hasClass('is-ajax-submit') ) {
          return true;
        $form.on('submit', (e) => {
        // my custom code for handling AJAX posting:
  • Actually, to make the form work again after submitting it, $ is better than $form.on, so the e.preventDefault() is only being triggered once:

     * Setup the ajax submit
    setupAjaxSubmit() {
      acf.addAction('submit', ( $form ) => {
        if( !$form.hasClass('is-ajax-submit') ) {
          return true;
        // only prevent the default of the submit action once:
        $'submit', (e) => {
        // my custom code for handling AJAX posting:
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