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Iterating a repeater field in acf/save_post

  • Hi,

    I have a custom field group containing an ACF group field, and under this group field an ACF repeater field called “person_relationships”. This custom field group is connected to a custom post type called “person”.

    I have a frontend screen that allows the user to create a new custom post type. I would like to perform some action when saving the post.

    I am using the acf/save_post action and trying to access the repeater field. However for some reason I cannot access the content of the repeater field:

    add_action('acf/save_post', 'my_acf_save_post', 20);
    function my_acf_save_post($post_id)
    	$post_type = get_post_type($post_id);
    	if ($post_type == 'person')
    		$person_relationships = get_field('person_relationships', $post_id);
    		while (have_rows($person_relationships)) : the_row();
    			// Do something

    It seems the repeater field does not have any rows, although the user created rows in the frontend screen and these rows are indeed created in the post.

    Am I using the wrong action ? I will appreciate any assistance or guidance.



  • I did some more investigations and it seems to me this is related to a problem with have_rows not working properly on the repeater field.

    It seems that other users are reporting similar issues, for example here:

    Is anyone aware of a solution and/or workaround ?

  • this is incorrect

      This first line gets the entire repeater and store it in an array
      If you are going to use have_rows() then this is unnecessary 
    $person_relationships = get_field('person_relationships', $post_id);
      With the above $person_relationships
      holds an array of rows and not a field name
    		while (have_rows($person_relationships)) : the_row();
    			// Do something

    What you need to do is just the loop and not the first part

    if (have_rows(''person_relationships', $post_id)) {
      while (have_rows(''person_relationships', $post_id)) {
        // do something
  • Hi John,

    Thanks for the reply, this seems to be working OK now.


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