Easy Columns Plugin doesn’t work with the WYSIWYG Editor (at least not on the Flexible Fields).
I don’t see any JS errors in the console.
Hi @nathanaelphilip
Thanks for the bug report. I can’t guarantee that ACF will work with every plugin out there, but if I find some time, I will check this out.
Are you able to do some debugging and test out exactly what doesn’t work?
Is it all WYSIWYG fields or just the flex field? Alos, what do you mean by ‘doesnt’ work’
Easy Columns inserts short codes that allow the user to put columns straight into the WYSIWYG editor. It doesn’t allow you to insert the columns on any of ACF’s WYSIWYG editor’s – I‘ve tested.
I understand about the support; just wanted to give a head’s up and see if any one else was having this issue.
Thanks elliot.