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Issues with WPML & ACF Pro

  • Hi,

    We’re developing a new site and we have some problems with WPML and ACF.

    Issue 1:
    When we use some types of ACF fields with AJAX involved (for i.e. relationship, taxonomy select, post object), we often cannot choose nothing because there aren’t values to choose in the field (see taxonomy_field_when_clicked.jpg).

    i.e. if we create a “taxonomy” ACF field with “single value select” and then we click on the select, the option panel opens up correctly but it’s always empty (see attachment taxonomy_field_when_clicked.jpf). The AJAX call starts correctly (we don’t get any php errors).

    If we disable WPML then everything works just fine and if we enable it another time all the fields, previously created, work fine in the original language but not in the others. If we create another field, it has the problem once again (in the original language too).
    Looking at the database, the field that works fine has a record in icl_translations table (see attachment icl_translations_record.jpg) but this record is missing for the field which shows the problem.

    Issue 2:
    If we create a field group translation, in all the languages but the original one, we have another problem. The values that we insert in these fields (inside a post in all the languages but the original one), and after that, we save the post, fields never save their values correctly.
    Looking at the database, these fields are missing the records in icl_translations table too.

    Issue 3:
    If we use acf tabs, they work correctly in the original language but if we use them in the others languages, at first everything looks ok (see tabs_first_sight.jpg) but, if switch tab then all fields appear, also those belonging to the other tabs (see tabs_after_tab_click.jpg).

    We have already tried to disable all the other plugins and switch to the default theme but the issues remain.
    Could you please help us to solve these issues?

    We use:
    Wordpress 4.0 (Italian version)
    Advanced Custom Fields Pro 5.0.9
    WPML CMS Nav 1.4.5
    WPML Media 2.1.6
    WPML Multilingual CMS
    WPML Sticky Links 1.3.5
    WPML String Translation
    WPML Translation Management 1.9.6


  • Hi,

    Not sure about Issue #1, but I’m definitely having the same problems with Issue #2 and #3.

    I just cannot get the fields to save the additional languages. Saving the primary English values is fine, but never saves for the extra languages I require.

    Tabs go all funny as described above too.

    I’ve read through the instruction article ( too, and still can’t get it to work

    Would love this to be rectified ASAP…

    WordPress 4.0.1
    ACF Pro 5.1.3
    WPML Multilingual CMS
    WPML Translation Management 1.9.8

  • Any follow up on this?

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