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Issue with Oembed field

  • I’m using the oEmbed field in a flexible content format. In my local environment, everything works just fine.

    <?php elseif (get_row_layout() == 'embed') :?>
              <div class="embed-full">
              <div class="embed-container">
              <?php the_sub_field('embed_link'); ?>
            <p><?php the_sub_field('caption'); ?></p>

    However, now that I’m trying to post an embed link on a live site, it’s not working. When I paste the link in, I don’t get a preview. And on the front end, it just returns a link that says False. The HTML shows this:
    <a href="http://false">false</a>

    When I go back into the CPT, instead of displaying the URL I had written, it now also says False and in the preview it says false. (see images atttached)

    Here’s an example (last item on the page):

    Also, yes, I deactivated all plugins except for ACF and CPTUI without which, the CPT wouldn’t work at all. However, no, I didn’t switch to a generic theme, because I don’t know how to test this on there without the code I have written in my custom theme.

  • How was the data in the DB for this field moved from one site to the other?

  • I didn’t transfer any data from my local site to my current site. I uploaded the blank theme.

    Did I understand your question correctly?

  • The field is returning false because there is no value in the database.

  • I chose to reinput all the values on the live site instead of transfering over my database. That still is incorrect?

  • My misunderstanding. I don’t know why it’s not working. The video seems to work if I type in the URL in my browser. And it works when I plugin that URL into one of my test sites.

    Do you have any plugins running on the live site that are not running on the local site?

  • No, the plugin setup is exactly the same.

    • Advanced Custom Fields Pro
    • Contact Form 7
    • Custom Post Type UI
    • Hello Dolly (I know this is useless, I just weirdly enjoy it.
    • Post Types Order
  • Assuming that the WP version are the same then then only thing left is some difference in the hosting environment. I am not aware of anything that should stop the oembed field from working.

    It could also be a javascript error. Are you seeing any errors reported in console? And easy way to test scripts is to add define( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', true ); to your functions php file and see if that clears up the issue. If it does then you likely have a corrupted minified script file, this can happen when using FTP to transfer large minified script files.

  • I don’t have any errors in the console. I’ll try testing the scripts and see what happens. Thanks.

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