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Hello, all!
I’m currently working on adding simple functionality to a client website but I’ve ran into an issue getting a custom field to display.
But whenever I try any of the get_field methods in the documentation, it doesn’t end up displaying the field’s data. Just to make sure it wasn’t ACF that’s the problem, I modified the single.php to display the field in the actual post, and that test worked just fine. So I figure the issue must lie in the PHP file that I’m entering it into, which is shown below. The line of PHP I’m trying to add looks like this:
<a href="<?php the_field('registration_url'); ?>"><img src="http://placehold.it/200x70.png" alt="Register Here"></a>
This is the featured.php file that is called by the home.php. Admittedly it’s been a while since I touched PHP, so any help would be much appreciated. Thank you all very much!
global $ids;
$ids = array();
$arr = array();
$width = 330;
$height = 220;
$width_small = 72;
$height_small = 72;
$featured_cat = get_option('thecorporation_feat_cat');
$featured_num = get_option('thecorporation_featured_num');
if (get_option('thecorporation_use_pages') == 'false') query_posts("showposts=$featured_num&cat=".get_catId($featured_cat));
else {
global $pages_number;
if (get_option('thecorporation_feat_pages') <> '') $featured_num = count(get_option('thecorporation_feat_pages'));
else $featured_num = $pages_number;
('post_type' => 'page',
'orderby' => 'menu_order',
'order' => 'ASC',
'post__in' => (array) get_option('thecorporation_feat_pages'),
'showposts' => (int) $featured_num
while (have_posts()) : the_post();
$arr[$i]["title"] = truncate_title(50,false);
$arr[$i]["title_small"] = truncate_title(25,false);
$arr[$i]["fulltitle"] = truncate_title(250,false);
$arr[$i]["excerpt"] = truncate_post(470,false);
$arr[$i]["excerpt_small"] = truncate_post(80,false);
$arr[$i]["tagline"] = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Tagline', $single = true);
$arr[$i]["permalink"] = get_permalink();
$arr[$i]["thumbnail"] = get_thumbnail($width,$height,'thumb',$arr[$i]["fulltitle"],$arr[$i]["tagline"]);
$arr[$i]["thumb"] = $arr[$i]["thumbnail"]["thumb"];
$arr[$i]["thumbnail_small"] = get_thumbnail($width_small,$height_small,'',$arr[$i]["fulltitle"],$arr[$i]["tagline"]);
$arr[$i]["thumb_small"] = $arr[$i]["thumbnail_small"]["thumb"];
$arr[$i]["use_timthumb"] = $arr[$i]["thumbnail"]["use_timthumb"];
$ids[]= $post->ID;
endwhile; wp_reset_query(); ?>
<div id="featured-area">
<div class="container clearfix">
<div id="featured-slider">
<?php for ($i = 1; $i <= $featured_num; $i++) { ?>
<div class="featitem clearfix">
<h2 class="feat-heading"><?php echo esc_html($arr[$i]["title"]); ?></h2>
<p class="tagline"><?php echo($arr[$i]["tagline"]); ?></p>
<div class="excerpt">
<p><?php echo($arr[$i]["excerpt"]); ?></p>
<a href="<?php the_field('registration_url'); ?>"><img src="http://placehold.it/200x70.png" alt="Register Here"></a>
<a href="<?php echo esc_url($arr[$i]["permalink"]); ?>" title="<?php printf(esc_attr__('Permanent Link to %s', 'TheCorporation'), $arr[$i]["fulltitle"]) ?>" class="readmore"><span><?php esc_html_e('read more','TheCorporation'); ?></span></a>
</div> <!-- end .excerpt -->
<a href="<?php echo esc_url($arr[$i]["permalink"]); ?>" title="<?php printf(esc_attr__('Permanent Link to %s', 'TheCorporation'), $arr[$i]["fulltitle"]) ?>">
<?php print_thumbnail($arr[$i]["thumb"], $arr[$i]["use_timthumb"], $arr[$i]["fulltitle"] , $width, $height, 'thumb'); ?>
</div> <!-- end .featitem -->
<?php }; ?>
</div> <!-- div #featured-slider -->
<a id="prevlink" href="#"><?php esc_html_e('Previous','TheCorporation'); ?></a>
<a id="nextlink" href="#"><?php esc_html_e('Next','TheCorporation'); ?></a>
</div> <!-- end .container -->
</div> <!-- end #featured-area -->
<div id="featured-thumbs">
<div class="container clearfix">
<?php for ($i = 1; $i <= $featured_num; $i++) { ?>
<a href="#">
<?php print_thumbnail($arr[$i]["thumb_small"], $arr[$i]["use_timthumb"], $arr[$i]["fulltitle"] , $width_small, $height_small); ?>
<div class="thumb_popup">
<p class="heading"><?php echo($arr[$i]["title_small"]); ?></p>
<p>"<?php echo($arr[$i]["excerpt_small"]); ?></p>
</div> <!-- end .thumb_popup -->
<?php }; ?>
<div id="active_item"></div>
</div> <!-- end .container -->
</div> <!-- end #featured-thumbs -->
The issue is that when you use the the_field function, ACF does not know which post to get it from! You need to specify the post_id so that ACF can correctly load the value.
You have a while loop which correctly uses the the_post
function, so within this loop, you CAN use the get_field function as per normal to store data into the array like so:
$arr[$i]["custom_field"] = get_field('custom_field');
Then just echo this out in the later loop, like you are doing for all other data.
That worked like a charm! Thank you very much, Elliot! ACF is working like a champ. Fantastic plugin. Thank you so much for making it available!
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