I’m running Elementor Pro with ACF pro and Dynamic.ooo to display a table (archive) of CPT fields (the list-view comes from the Dynamic.ooo plugin – Views widget). All the data is imported from an excel sheet with WP All Import Pro and the ACF addon for that plugin. I also have a custom single-post layout for that CPT.
Now I’m having an issue with how the data from the checkbox-fields are displayed. Some fields have multiple options checked and they are showing up, but with commas for the boxes that aren’t checked.
Thing is, that when I manually re-check all the boxes in the backend and save, the commas are gone and the data displays just fine.
Anybody have a clue why this is and how I can fix this easy? I have 236 posts with a minimum of 4 checkbox-fields per post, so manually going though them is a last resort fix.
Thanks in advance!
Now I’m having an issue with how the data from the checkbox-fields are displayed. Some fields have multiple options checked and they are showing up, but with commas for the boxes that aren’t checked. https://trackeasy.fun/usps/
issue got solved!!
I have the same issue.
How did you solve it?