The title pretty much says it all.
I have a timepicker field (start_time) that’s optional and only appears if someone has set a value on a datepicker field (start_date).
I need to sort posts by start_date, and – if there is a value for the start_time field – sort by start_time within the posts for the start_date.
I don’t see a way to set a default value for start_time when setting up the ACF.
If there’s not a way to do it within the admin interface, is there a way to do it when retrieving the post meta data?
You would need to use the ACF JS API hook time_picker_init.
Sorry, that’s really all the information I have. I am not familiar with the time picker settings.
Alternately you can use the acf/prepare_field hook. The date picker field does not have a default value. You would need to set $field['value']
to the default value, for example if the value is empty then set it to the default.