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Is it possible to move Flexible Content fields to sub-fields?

  • I have a problem: I have created lots of Flexible Content fields . What I mean is: instead of clicking on the invisible “Add New” link under Layout label (which only shows on hover), I have created a lot of Flexible Content fields. I know, I’m stupid, but ACF UX is quite sub-par as well (as sub-par as amazing it is as a tool, don’t get me wrong, I love ACF but UX is really weak)

    Anyways, is it possible to “move” them as sub-fields of one Flexible Content field? Or do I need to do everything from scratch?

  • You should be able to drag the fields from one flex field to another. It’s not always easy to do and I’ve had some issues with them sticking, sometimes after saving the move back to where they were.

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