Hi folks,
I want to be able to use ACF post object to get existing posts title, date, feat image etc.
How would I go about this in ACF? I have pro version.
My client wants to add an already existing post via ACF in a page. Almost like a WP Query but without the client coding it but rather just choosing a post from a dropdown.
I’ve had a read through this but still a little unclear! I know how to code templates for ACF but stuck on choosing how it should be in the back end.
Just to help explain this better, I was thinking I would do the following:
1, Create a repeater
2, in that add post object
3, then go to the page that this ACF is linked to
4, add the blog posts that
5, code it up
But can I get the title / date of publication and feat images doing it this way?
Hope this makes sense to someone and you can point me in the right direction.
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