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Is it possible to style one custom field with another?

  • I am creating an archive of my all the newspaper stories I wrote during my previous career as a journalist. I have created a custom ACF pro box in WordPress with all the relevant information for each article including headline, date and publication number etc.

    Each article also has a unique image as well as downloadable PDF.

    I would like to display the unique image for each article ($newspaper_clipping) and I would like that image to be linked to the downloadable PDF ($pdf_download) so that when you click on the image you are taken to the file.

    I think I could accomplish this by tweaking the PHP code in the ACF block file (shown below) but I’m not exactly sure how.

    I am hoping someone might be able to help me with this. Thank you in advance.

    /* Print Version Template */
    $title = get_field('publication_title') ?: 'Publication Title';
    $location = get_field('publication_location') ?: 'Publication Location';
    $issue = get_field('issueNumber') ?: 'Issue Number';
    $page_count = get_field('page_count') ?: 'Page Count';
    $pagination = get_field('pagination_') ?: 'Pagination';
    $pdf_download = get_field('pdf_download') ?: 'PDF Download';
    $newspaper_clipping = get_field('newspaper_clipping') ?: '';
    <div class="print-version"
      <p class="publication-title"> <?php echo $title ?> </p>
      <p class="publication-location"> <?php echo $location ?> </p>
      <p class="issueNumber"> <?php echo $issue ?> </p>
      <p class="page_count"> <?php echo $page_count ?> </p>
      <p class="pagination_"> <?php echo $pagination ?> </p>
      <p class="pdf_download"> <?php echo $pdf_download ?> </p>
      <img src=" <?php echo $newspaper_clipping ?> ">
    <a href="<?php echo $pdf_download; ?>"><img src=" <?php echo $newspaper_clipping ?> "></a>
  • Hi John. Thank you very much for your quick and refreshingly to-the-point response. It worked like a charm!

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