Is it possible to invert the repeater rows in the front-end?
I know I can sort repeater fields by using values from sub-fields, but that’s not what I’m after.
What I want is to simply display this particular repeater field backwards 🙂
I actually managed this on my own…
Just placed the field in an array and used ‘array_reverse’.
Sorry for the spam 🙂
Code sample would be fantastic!
Here’s how I achieved this:
$rowsArray = get_field(‘repeater_field_name’);
$rows = array_reverse(‘$rowsArray’);
if($rows) {
foreach($rows as $row) {
//ETC – see Repeater Field Docs for how to display sub fields.
Sorry, I wasn’t near any internet yesterday…
That’s exactly how I did it 🙂
Does this still work with ACF Pro? I can’t seem to get it to work and I need to do the same thing!
Hi there,
The code should still work. Kindly share with us the code that you are having a problem with so that we can have assist in debugging.
The above code worked for me with one tweak. Do not put single quotes around the $rowsarray variable.
$rowsarray = get_field('financialreports');
$rows = array_reverse($rowsarray);