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I have issue with inserting terms while typing select input field. Strings will be correctly inserted but if there is date or number values for terms then it inserts term ID.
I have a lot term fields and some of them are numeric fields like date, mileage, etc..
My Code:
function jl_insert_term_if_not_exists($term, $taxonomy) {
if (empty($term) || is_numeric($term)) { //tried is_string() then every value inserted as term ID
return $term;
if ($result = term_exists($term, $taxonomy)) {
return $result['term_id'];
$result = wp_insert_term($term, $taxonomy);
if (!is_wp_error($result)) {
return $result['term_id'];
function jl_acf_update_value( $value, $post_id, $field ) {
if ($field['type'] == 'taxonomy'
&& in_array($field['field_type'], array('select', 'multi_select'))
&& strpos($field['wrapper']['class'], 'acf-select-tags') !== false)
if (!is_array($value)) {
if ($term_id = jl_insert_term_if_not_exists($value, $field['taxonomy'])) {
$value = $term_id;
} else {
foreach ($value as &$item_value) {
if ($term_id = jl_insert_term_if_not_exists($item_value, $field['taxonomy'])) {
$item_value = $term_id;
return $value;
add_filter('acf/update_value', 'jl_acf_update_value', 5, 3);
function jl_acf_input_admin_footer() {
<script type="text/javascript">
(function($) {
acf.add_filter('select2_args', function( args, $select, settings, $field, instance ){
if ($field.hasClass('acf-select-tags')) {
args.tags = true
return args;
add_action('acf/input/admin_footer', 'jl_acf_input_admin_footer');
You have some issues in your code, for example this
if ($result = term_exists($term, $taxonomy)) {
should probably be
if ($result == term_exists($term, $taxonomy)) {
there are several of this same type of error in the code that you’ve posted.
This is usually why some people code like this
if (term_exists($term, $taxonomy) == $result) {
because the above would create an error if you use ‘=’ instead of ‘==’ rather than fail quietly.
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