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InnerBlocks + Slick slider

  • Hi,
    I’m trying to make hero section where one column has slick slider (repeater field with images) and second one with innerBlocks.

    When I edit slider in any way (change order of sub_fields/ add new/ remove one) block preview slick slider can’t re-initialize.

    If I comment out ‘jsx’ or change to ‘false’ – slider is working as expect.

    In demo version i just simplify everything and copy-paste from code examples – same effect:


    add_action('acf/init', 'my_acf_init_blocks');
    function my_acf_init_blocks() {
        // Check function exists.
        if( function_exists('acf_register_block_type') ) {
            // Register a restricted block.
                'name'              => 'test',
                'title'             => 'Test',
                'description'       => 'A test content block.',
                'category'          => 'formatting',
                'mode'              => 'preview',
                'supports'          => array(
                    'align' => true,
                    'mode' => false,
                    'jsx' => true
                'enqueue_assets' 	=> function(){
                  $theme = wp_get_theme( );
                  $ver = $theme->version;
                  wp_enqueue_style( 'slick', '[email protected]/slick/slick.css', array(), $ver );
                  wp_enqueue_style( 'slick-theme', '[email protected]/slick/slick-theme.css', array(), $ver);
                  wp_enqueue_script( 'slick', '[email protected]/slick/slick.min.js', array('jquery'), $ver, true );
                  wp_enqueue_style( 'test-css', get_template_directory_uri() . '/test.css', array(''), $ver, 'all' );
                  wp_enqueue_script( 'test-js', get_template_directory_uri() . '/test.js', array('jquery'), $ver, true );
                'render_template' => 'test.php',


    $classes = '';
    if( !empty($block['className']) ) {
        $classes .= sprintf( ' %s', $block['className'] );
    if( !empty($block['align']) ) {
        $classes .= sprintf( ' align%s', $block['align'] );
    } ?>
    <div class="test <?php echo esc_attr($classes); ?>">
        <div class="test-col">
        	<InnerBlocks  />
        <div class="test-col slider">
    			<?php if( have_rows('slides') ): ?>
    				<div class="slides">
    					<?php while( have_rows('slides') ): the_row();
    						$image = get_sub_field('image');
    							<?php echo wp_get_attachment_image( $image['id'], 'full' ); ?>
    					<?php endwhile; ?>
    			<?php else: ?>
    				<p>Please add some slides.</p>
    			<?php endif; ?>


        var initializeBlock = function( $block ) {
                dots: true,
                infinite: true,
                speed: 300,
                slidesToShow: 1,
                centerMode: true,
                variableWidth: true,
                adaptiveHeight: true,
    			focusOnSelect: true
        // Initialize each block on page load (front end).
                initializeBlock( $(this) );
        // Initialize dynamic block preview (editor).
        if( window.acf ) {
            window.acf.addAction( 'render_block_preview/type=test', initializeBlock );

    As alternative option from formums: test.js

        var initializeBlock = function( $block ) {
            function getSliderSettings() {
                dots: true,
                infinite: true,
                speed: 300,
                slidesToShow: 1,
                centerMode: true,
                variableWidth: true,
                adaptiveHeight: true,
    			      focusOnSelect: true
            $block.find('.slides').slick( getSliderSettings() );
        // Initialize each block on page load (front end).
                initializeBlock( $(this) );
        // Initialize dynamic block preview (editor).
        if( window.acf ) {
            window.acf.addAction( 'render_block_preview/type=test', initializeBlock );

    I believe there’s a solution to reint slick in better wahy, but maybe it’s just bug?

  • Hi – I know this is super old, but did you ever figure out a solution? I too am able to get it work if jsx => false, but not if it’s set to true (therefore anything with innerblocks is bombing). Thank you!

  • If anyone finds this as I did, I got it working by basically “unslicking” and reslicking my slides:

        var initializeBlock = function( $block ) {
    		var sliders = $block.find('.testimonial-quotes');
    		if (window.acf) {
    			if (sliders.hasClass('slick-initialized')) {
    			dots: true,
    			infinite: true,
    			speed: 800,
    			slidesToShow: 1,
    			slidesToScroll: 1,
    			draggable: true,
    			fade: true,
    			cssEase: 'linear',
    			arrows: false,
    			dotsClass: 'ep-block-dots',
    			autoplay: true,
    			autoplaySpeed: 5000,
        // Initialize dynamic block preview (editor).
        if( window.acf ) {
            window.acf.addAction( 'render_block_preview/type=wed-testimonials', initializeBlock );
    		//window.acf.addAction('remount/type=wed-testimonials', initializetestimonials );

    Hope that helps someone!

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