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Including addons in themes with v5

  • Firstly thanks for this fantastic plugin, it’s truly a godsend!

    Prior to ACF 5.0 I had a ‘default build’ of ACF that I included in custom themes for my clients which consisted of a number of paid addons as well as a couple of free/third party ones (namely font awesome and the Contact Form 7 field).

    Since 5.0 has essentially done away with add-ons, is there another way to include these in themes or is the only option to install them as plugins?

  • Hi @mikemimo

    ACF5 has only stopped supporting the 4 premium addons, not all add-ons.

    Your 3rd party field types will still work with ACF PRO, but the developer of them must first add compatibility for ACF5.

    Hope that helps.


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