Hello all!
I am trying to create a plugin that has a custom post type of speaker, and I am trying to use ACF to generate the metaboxes to be used. Each Speaker will have a name, position, biography, and image gallery.
I followed the following documentation: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/including-acf-within-a-plugin-or-theme/
And when I install and Activate the plugin, then every post type, page, and post end up getting ACF fields populated onto them like so:
These options were not coded in. The ACF files added was a fresh download from https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/downloads/
This plugin is used to control only one component of the site, ACF also controls other aspects, so having this plugin cause conflicts with everything else is not good. How do I prevent this from happening?
You have ACF installed by your plugin and installed on the site? Are they the same version Free/Pro?