

Home Forums Front-end Issues In the frontend the placed text is not displayed.


In the frontend the placed text is not displayed.

  • Hello,

    I have created successfully additional three fields for the (woocommerce) Product categories (“Title Zeile 1”, “Title Zeile 2” and “Text Unten”)
    But unfortunately those three fields are not visible on Frontend:
    Could you please give me PHP code snippet and location file where PHP have to be inserted
    If it is needed I can also give you my FTP and access data.

    Many thanks for your help,

  • Hi Milena,

    you also of course need to adapt your woocommerce templates to output the custom fields.
    Start with creating a child theme and identify the template or template part you want to edit.
    then read the developer docs about how to adapt the templates with a child theme:

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