Hi all,
I threw together a plugin that will let you export and import data entered into ACF Options Page plugin.
It’s helpful if you’re doing all your development locally on a team where each member may enter their own data and you need to make sure everyone’s got the same data.
Again, it’s pretty crude, but it works.
Hi @dallen
Awesome work mate.
I’ll be sure to mention this in a blog post and the compatible plugins resource.
Hi Dallen and Elliot;
I’m trying to find an easy way to export all the settings of the ACF’s option page. I’m using ACF PRO, @dallen is your plugin still working for that version?, and where could I downlaod it to check it out?. Thank you very much.
Elliot is out there another solution for this for ACF PRO, thank you.
I’m also looking for a way to import and export data from field groups in an options page. It’s a shame the current export feature only exports the field group schema.
Any chance we’ll see this feature in ACF Pro?
This would be highly useful!