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Import/Export acf images not work

  • hi,

    when i try to export post with acf images and than i try import this posts with xml file, not show any images in to other wp 🙁 !!!


  • Hi @i100anni

    This is a current problem with ACF and WP.
    The issue is that when you download and import attachments from an xml file, the new WP install will insert the media data into the DB with NEW ID’s.

    These ID’s will then not match the ID’s saved in the ACF values…

    The quickest fix, is to edit the posts and re assign the images.
    If you feel up to it, you could go through the DB wp_postmeta table and replace the old ID values with the new ID value?


  • This a big disappointment!

    My mistake was not forsee this stage, now I am stuck with hundreds of posts without images, I can’t go one by one again. If you fix this in future versions will make ACF a more powerful tool.

    Do you know if it will work if i import the database directly to mySql instead?


  • I realize this is an old issue, but it perfectly describes what I’m running up against. Has there been any change since this thread?

  • Holy!
    This is still happening after 6 years?

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