I’ve been using ACF for a long while but I have also been adding custom fields, without ACF (using PHP code). Now I want these fields to appear on their post edit pages using ACF. How can I do this? I’ve tried creating a field with the Field Name of the meta_key but that doesn’t seem to populate the field with the previous meta values.
How can I go about importing these fields / their values into ACF without any problems?
v3 or v4?
btw, do you have any posts in wp_posts with the post_type = “acf”? if so, do you have any postmeta in wp_postmeta where the post_id = those “acf” posts?
that is how i’m used to seeing the data stored, anyway. i’m not sure how v3 differs.
Hi @faeronsayn
Sorry, but I don’t fully understand your question.
Now I want these fields to appear on their post edit pages using ACF. How can I do this?
Please be very descriptive and clear.
I think @faeronsayn is asking if there is a way to get ACF to recognize existing post_meta on a post and incorporate it/them into a field group assigned to that post.
If so, I’d probably create the new fields and turn to SQL but I’ve been watching this question to see if there is another way (in case I ever spend any significant time updating older pre-ACF-as-religion sites).
yes I have the same problem: I have existing post meta attributes, and I would like that this attrs are ‘recognized’ in ACF (I am using ACF PRO 5.2.3).
So a part creating the field in ACF, what we should do to have existing values recognized? (I guess what is missing are the _fieldkey_xxxx rows in postmeta table).