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Implement EDD Software Licensing on ACF Options Page

  • I have an options page that I’ve created for a plugin and am looking to utilize Easy Digital Downloads software licensing for updates to the plugin. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how I might integrate the implementation outlined here in the EDD docs into an already existing ACF options page? I would assume someone has done this before, but I can’t seem to locate any tutorials or hints at how this might best be accomplished. Thanks for any insights!

  • Though I’ve not found a solution to this specific question, I have found a better way to integrate with the EDD Software Licensing API. This helper library is going to get the job done for me.

  • @uamv Thank you for the library. It seems meet my need. However I don’t know how to use them properly (Include the classs and define the website which I installed EDD and issue license key, but still get informed invalid key..)

    Could you please teach me how to use?

    Thank you again ;)!

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