I’ve created a repeater field in WordPress containing 3 lines, a title, a link and an image. At the front-end the title and link are working but the img won’t show up.
My config:`title [text]
product_image [image] ( ID selected )
link [link]`
Front-end:` <?php
$producten = get_field('products');
if ( $products)
print_r( $products);
foreach ( $products as $product )
echo '<a href=”'.$product['link'].'” class=”blok”>';
echo '<h2>';
echo $product['title'];
echo '</h2>';
echo '<img src=”'.$product['sizes']['product_image'].'”>';
echo '</a>';
?> `
In the functions i’ve specified the image size:`add_image_size( 'product_image', 271, 250, true );
I’ve also tried to regenerate the thumbnails but this didn’t worked out.
Hopefully someone has the solution 🙂
PS: the print_r gives the URL but src stays empty: Array ( [0] => Array ( [titel] => Test [product_image] => 289 [link] => http://****.****.nl/buiten-reclame/ ) )
Hi @tanK
Your code contains a few errors:
1. You have selected a return type of ID on the image field. This will cause $product[‘product_image’] to contain and ID of the image
2. Your code references $product[‘sizes’][‘product_image’], but this will never exist. The image ID will sit at $product[‘product_image’]. This is an ID, not a URL
I think what you want to do is set the image return type to ‘Image Object’, then use this code:
echo '<img src=”'.$product['product_image']['sizes']['product_image'].'”>';