I’ve just set up 3 image fields for my pages. In the backend all seems to be working fine, in the front end though where the images should be it just shows this (just showing one of the fields below but all are doing the same thing):
79, spear_fishing, spear_fishing, , spear_fishing photo, image/jpeg, http://site.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/spear_fishing.jpg, 1240, 480, Array
The call for the field to display in my page template is as follows:
<?php the_field(‘left_square_image’); ?>
Clearly I’ve missed something out to make this work but not sure what?
Can anyone help please?
OK I just found the code examples page and replaced the call code to the following:
<img src="<?php the_field('left_square_image'); ?>" alt="" />'
Now, the generated code is as follows so it displays a missing/broken image icon
hmm, won’t let me paste the image code above but the src in the image tag is basically the info that was getting printed on the page in my first post.
So src=
`79, spear_fishing, spear_fishing, , spear_fishing photo, image/jpeg, http://site.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/spear_fishing.jpg, 1240, 480, Array
Ok I changed the return value to Image URL and now it works with this call
`” alt=”” />’
What is the Image Object option for?