Hi, just purchased ACF pro today.
Only thing that isn’t working like it should be is the gallery field with Elementor. I’m pulling in the images dynamically from ACF, but I’m getting image sizes that have wacky aspect ratios (and not respecting the sizing I’m choosing):
screenie 1
screenie 2
Any ideas on how to fix this? I tried Regenerate Thumbnails, but no luck.
Literally the last thing I need to get sorted before the site goes live.
I can’t say for sure, but this generally happens when the original uploaded image is smaller than the size you are attempting to display. For example, you have selected 300×300, but if the original image is 300×250 WP will not create one that is 300×300. There is no setting in WP that will cause this to happen.
All images are 1280 x something…so they’re much bigger than 300×300.
Are your medium images 300x300
set to be cropped?
Then I don’t know. You need to check with Elementor and how it is getting the images to use. ACF does not store any information in a gallery field other than a list of attachment IDs. It either returns this array or an array of image attributes depending on how it is called. ACF would have no effect on any image settings or how elementor is using them.
Gotcha – thanks for trying!