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Image auto rotate on upload

  • Hi Elliot,

    I don’t know if this problem comes from WordPress or ACF but you may have an idea.

    When I upload an image using acf image field, if the image is “portrait” after upload it is automatically rotated to landscape. No problem for default landscape image.

    It may not come from ACF but I need to know, to focus my searches 🙂

    Thanks in advance,


  • Hi @cleocq

    There is no code in ACF to rotate images. This must be coming from another plugin / theme in your website.

    Just so you know, the ACF plugin uses the WP uploader for all upload functionality.


  • I have the same issue, but it looks like it IS an issue with ACF.

    My client has uploaded some images taken with an iPhone to the WP Media library. The orientation is wrong, so she corrects it using the image edit functionality in WP. When she inserts that image into a text field, it has the correct orientation. However, when selected using the ACF image picker, the orientation is the original incorrect version, as uploaded. It’s the same in the admin and in the published page.

    I added a plugin that automatically changes orientation of image on upload using the EXIF information, but the end result is the same: images are correct when inserted into a text field, but not when using an ACF image field.

    Is there anything I can do to correct this?

  • Hi @goatlady

    It is possible that WP only saves the crop sized images after your client rotates the image through WP. This would leave the original image untouched.

    Perhaps you will need to update your theme code to load a cropped image size instead of the default size?


  • Hmmm. My theme code *is* loading a cropped image, a custom size defined in functions.php (via wp_get_attachment_image_src).

    Any other possibilities?

  • Hi @goatlady

    Can you confirm that when you upload an image via the normal WP library, that all sizes that are cropped and placed into the wp-content/uploads folder are correct?


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