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if / else DIV Container for Numeric Range

  • hey community,

    I have a field type “Numeric Range” with values from 1 to 8

    I would like to output this in the form of “indicatorTicOn / indicatorTicOff”.

    Value = 1

    <div class="indicatorTicOn"></div>
    <div class="indicatorTicOff"></div>
    <div class="indicatorTicOff"></div>
    <div class="indicatorTicOff"></div>
    <div class="indicatorTicOff"></div>
    <div class="indicatorTicOff"></div>
    <div class="indicatorTicOff"></div>
    <div class="indicatorTicOff"></div>

    Value = 5

    <div class="indicatorTicOn"></div>
    <div class="indicatorTicOn"></div>
    <div class="indicatorTicOn"></div>
    <div class="indicatorTicOn"></div>
    <div class="indicatorTicOn"></div>
    <div class="indicatorTicOff"></div>
    <div class="indicatorTicOff"></div>
    <div class="indicatorTicOff"></div>

    etc … from 1 to 8

    The DIV containers are then assigned a style in style.css

    .indicatorTicOff {
        background-color: #E2E7EC;
    .indicatorTicOn {
        background-color: #FF810F;
    .indicatorTicOn, .indicatorTicOff {
        width: 10px;
        height: 13px;
        border-radius: 2px;
        margin-left: 0px;
        display: inline-block;

    Can someone help me with the implementation?

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