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How to Update Fields Automatically

  • Basic question: how do you update fields in a post automatically? Specifically – custom fields inputted in Woocommerce checkout. The field section is showing up fine in Orders, but need it to auto-populate.

    I’m finding this page hard to decipher – – such as where to put the code.

  • Hi @henry

    Your query is not quite clear.

    Are you referring to updating the field automatically when the customer submits?

    Kindly explain more on your setup so that we may be able to advise further.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

  • Hi @henry

    Your query is not quite clear.

    Are you referring to updating the field automatically when the customer submits?

    Kindly explain more on your setup so that we may be able to advise further.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

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