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How to make Field Group conditional on custom post type hierarchical parent?

  • Latest ACF only seems to support conditionals on Pages, so that’s I guess a feature request to support CPT-s, too? But Even with Pages alone, I’m looking for an option to say “show this field group ONLY IF page has no parent”.

  • Hi @lkraav,

    CPT do have changeable conditions for being shown? When you go to the ACF Add/Edit feild group page, it is below where you add the fields.

    What you want, is to change the conditions to “Page” “is not equal to” “Child”

    Let me know if this fixes your problem,


  • Hi guys.

    Just wanted to clarify, the location rule should be called ‘page type’, and there are options for parent, child, etc.

  • Yes, sorry! My mistake

  • Thanks guys. This indeed seems to work. It was unintuitive for me to look for “Page Type” when I was dealing with “Post Type” logic.

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