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How to load a big/weight flexible field fastly

  • I create something like a page builder using ACF fixable content field type

    in acf/load_value/key=page_content filter

    first I get the page contact in a JSON format, then I start to tell ACF how I need it to be loaded,
    ( my structure is : rows( repeater field ) ,then row columns ( repeater field ) , then column elements ( flixable content field )

    the problem is that ACF takes too much time to show the fields if the pages contain a lot of rows and components

    so honestly can I depend on ACF (in the long term ) on such heavy tasks which we all know it’s not why ACF was created?

    and in short term are there any recommendations to improve the user experience and make ACF load faster, not it can stay more than a minute

  • If you are talking about the front end of the site then use a good caching plugin.

    If you are talking about the admin then it will be slow when loading the edit page.

  • Load time can be improved in the Admin for WYSIWYG editor fields using delayed or interaction triggered loading via a checkbox when using the Classic WYSIWYG Editor field

    Delay initialisation?
    TinyMCE will not be initialised until field is clicked.

    ACF field speed can be also be improved with local json
    Additionally you may want to explore using Transient caching:
    Hope this information helps your site performance.

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