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So i’ve successfully created a google map that shows multiple markers and content – however, because there are so many markers, I’ve been trying to setup a sidebar (outside of the map) with a list of all the markers, to allow users to more easily locate a map marker by click the name of the marker in the sidebar, causing the marker in the map to locate/open.
This seems like fairly common practice with Google Maps, but i’m not seeing anything on how to accomplish this with ACF/Repeater/maps functions.
So far as i have i have a second iteration of the maps repeater spitting out a list of the locations (including map data/class) – but i’m not sure if it’s as simple as wrapping them in a link containing the marker or what exactly needs to happen. I’m lost, and have been for a month. Please help!
Hi @tanmccuin,
Thanks for the post.
It looks like this feature is not yet available in the plugin outside the box but perhaps you can save the locations in a widget and use this to call the values into a new map object.
I have however pitched this idea to the plugin author and hopefully this feature will see its way into the plugin soon.
Hi there,
May I please ask if there has been any advancements or work around found for this request?
I would also like to either use a sidebar or basic list below the map with place names and link to show on map
Kind Regards
Hi @brad100
I’m afraid that feature is not available yet. If you need it right now, I suggest you hire a developer to help you out with it, and I’d recommend looking for one on https://studio.envato.com/, https://www.upwork.com/, or https://codeable.io/.
Thanks 🙂
Hi James
Many thanks for your reply. and recommendation. It is almost an essential feature when using a map with multiple markers.
Otherwise it becomes a bit like a game of Pelmanism …
All the best
Hi @brad100 use jquery to add an identifier to each marker
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var infowindow;
* new_map
* This function will render a Google Map onto the selected jQuery element
* @type function
* @date 8/11/2013
* @since 4.3.0
* @param $el (jQuery element)
* @return n/a
function new_map( $el ) {
// var
var $markers = $el.find('.marker');
// vars
var args = {
zoom : 16,
center : new google.maps.LatLng(0, 0),
mapTypeId : google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
// create map
var map = new google.maps.Map( $el[0], args);
// add a markers reference
map.markers = [];
// add markers
// add identifying number to each marker
var sidebar = 1;
add_marker( $(this), map, sidebar);
// center map
center_map( map );
// return
return map;
* add_marker
* This function will add a marker to the selected Google Map
* @type function
* @date 8/11/2013
* @since 4.3.0
* @param $marker (jQuery element)
* @param map (Google Map object)
* @return n/a
function add_marker( $marker, map, sidebar) {
// var
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng( $marker.attr('data-lat'), $marker.attr('data-lng') );
// create marker
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position : latlng,
map : map
// add to array
map.markers.push( marker );
// if marker contains HTML, add it to an infoWindow
if( $marker.html() )
// create info window
infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content : $marker.html()
// Create a click on the sidebar list and open the info window
// Close info windows
$.each(map.markers, function(index,value){
// Click on the marker
google.maps.event.trigger(marker, "click");
// show info window when marker is clicked
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
infowindow.open( map, marker );
* center_map
* This function will center the map, showing all markers attached to this map
* @type function
* @date 8/11/2013
* @since 4.3.0
* @param map (Google Map object)
* @return n/a
function center_map( map ) {
// vars
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
// loop through all markers and create bounds
$.each( map.markers, function( i, marker ){
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng( marker.position.lat(), marker.position.lng() );
bounds.extend( latlng );
// only 1 marker?
if( map.markers.length == 1 )
// set center of map
map.setCenter( bounds.getCenter() );
map.setZoom( 16 );
// fit to bounds
map.fitBounds( bounds );
* document ready
* This function will render each map when the document is ready (page has loaded)
* @type function
* @date 8/11/2013
* @since 5.0.0
* @param n/a
* @return n/a
// global var
var map = null;
// create map
map = new_map( $(this) );
<?php if( have_rows('locations') ): ?>
<ul class="buttons">
<?php while ( have_rows('locations') ) : the_row();
$location = get_sub_field('location');
// Create identifiers for markers [id=m#]
<li class="view_location" id="m<?=$i?>" data-lat="<?php echo $location['lat']; ?>" data-lng="<?php echo $location['lng']; ?>"><?php the_sub_field('title'); ?></li>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<div class="acf-map">
<?php while ( have_rows('locations') ) : the_row();
$location = get_sub_field('location');
<div class="marker" data-lat="<?php echo $location['lat']; ?>" data-lng="<?php echo $location['lng']; ?>">
<h4><?php the_sub_field('title'); ?></h4>
<p class="address"><?php echo $location['address']; ?></p>
<p><?php the_sub_field('description'); ?></p>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Hi @katie
Thank you very much for your reply and code example.
I will pick this project up again next week and run through implementing your solution
Greatly appreciated
All the best
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