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How to have a option sub page pointing to another URL (like CPT edit)

  • I created a option sub page that I would like link to


    How can I do? I am using a code like that, that is not working…

     'page_title' 	=> 'My Templates',
     'menu_title'	=> 'Edit Templates',
     'menu_slug' 	=> 'edit.php?post_type=my-templates',
     'parent_slug'	=> 'myparentslug',
     'capability'	=> 'manage_options'));	
  • Adding an ACF options page will link to that options page and cannot be made to link to something else.

    What you are looking for is add_submenu_page() in the WP codex here Omit the $function parameter if you want to link to some other existing admin page.

  • Hi thanks for your Answer

    What i should put as parent menĂ¹ slug considering the parent is an ACF option page (admin.php?pAge=myoptions Does not. Work)


  • Just you “myoptions”, the following creates a sub menu item than links to the page edit admin

    add_action('admin_menu', 'add_my_admin_subpage');
    function add_my_admin_subpage() {
      add_submenu_page('myoptions', // parent slug
                       'page title', // shouldn't matter 
                       'test link', // menu text
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